April 14,2016

Almost 5 years to the date, I started a blog back in 2011 on the stirring in my heart from God. What I thought would become the beginning of a wonderful journey came to a halt after several posts. Previous to 2011 our family was experiencing lots of obstacles and hardships, some of them I was working through, trying to see how it all fit into God’s plans.  Others, I couldn’t even touch because it was in His time that I would be healed or realize the error of my way.  He was remodeling me from the inside out and I clung to every promise in the bible and cried out that I would not give up no matter what. I was determined not to let my family live under the lies that had built a high wall around us over the generations.

Is my life perfect? Absolutely not! I am certain there will be other obstacles to overcome in the future. What’s so different now? The past several years He stripped me over and over again to rebuild my foundations upon His truth and not what is of this world. It was painful, it was hard and definitely not fun.

Never will I forget all of the times when I just couldn’t do it anymore,  I would send the kids and my husband off to school/work and just feel paralyzed by what loomed over my heart.  Looking back now, I recall all of the times someone sent me an encouragement through a phone call, a text, an email, an anonymous gift, a spoken word that breathed life, and above all prayers after prayers that were seen and unseen.

In my darkest moments, was where I found His mercy and grace to be a real truth. Fast forward 5 years, things have definitely changed and the transformation in my heart is beyond anything I could have imagined. A peace that truly surpasses all understanding.     His work in us will never be complete until the day He comes to bring us home but I now know with the fullness of my heart just how deep and wide and all-knowing His love is for me, for all of us!

The change in my life is a direct result of all of the things I have listed but added to that was the freeing power that testimonies carried when people trusted God enough to share with me what He had done in their lives. I don’t know where this blog will end up because until today I posted on my personal FB page whatever God laid on my heart. It was easy to share with people who knew me but now as I take another step of faith and share with strangers, my hope is that my heart will always be correctly aligned with Him. I am not the greatest writer nor the most articulate but He has opened up the door in my heart to this place once again. I pray that as I ask the Lord for permission on what to share, my hope is that whoever is reading my blog is blessed and encouraged the way I had been through others. We are one body in Christ and keeping our pains, our breakthroughs, our miracles to ourselves is not fruitful for anyone.


April 28,2011

How I came to start this blog is still so unreal to me. God was really stirring my heart to share some of my life with people in a way that was very new to me. Along the way, I have spent many days wallowing in my own doubts, fears, and letting my human insecurities drag me down. Some time ago, I received prayer that I should “share”, at the time, I didn’t really understand what I was supposed to share and eventually forgot about what was said that day.

Recently, I decided to send out devotionals to just a few friends, there was no rhyme or reason for who I chose other than they were on my heart. Pleasantly enough, I received so much feedback and words that truly touched my heart. God gave me confirmation on so many levels that I was to continue doing this. I am far from being a perfect Christian, but the one thing that I have learned, the hard way, is that God really knows my heart and it is with love that we are given this amazing grace! So as I share my life in the coming days, I pray that it is encouraging to you. I posted all my earlier devotionals in one night.

I feel that if each one of us can find a way to use our God-given gifts to bless others on a daily basis, and thus all that we do will be blessed too. It’s so true, that in church it is easy to be a Christian and act as we are expected to but do we always remember to be that loving and understanding when it comes to the workplace and all the other areas in our lives that don’t include followers?

I pray for a productive and blessed day. May He give you that joy and peace as we try to live a life of goodness in a world gone so wrong.

In my quest for encouraging all of you like so many others have encouraged me, I pray that my random postings on what God stirs in my heart will be a blessing to you all.